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By Kenrick Cleveland
It’s human nature to want to believe that we have done something of value when we make a purchase. We like to feel we’ve used proper sense and keen determination in choosing things that are going to be good for us and of the greatest use. And we most certainly want to know we’ll feel good about the choices we’ve made in the long run.
And with all decisions, of any kind, not just purchasing decisions, we pause to wonder if what we’ve decided upon is good for us. We generally know we’ve made good decisions when we have a congruence between the product and the feeling.
The following is some research in the field of social ways of looking at persuasion.
The studies performed in the areas of sociology and persuasion discovered that when people were going to a race track to wager, just prior to placing the bet, the person would be asked by a researcher, ‘So you’re making a bet? What are the odds your horse is going to win?’
Generally, the odds they gave were low. ‘I’m not sure. I mean, maybe fifty-fifty, or a thirty percent chance.. . I guess pretty low.’
The researcher would then ask, just after the purchaser bought the ticket, ‘So.. . You’ve just placed a bet.. . what do you think the odds are that your horse is going to win?’
Generally, the purchaser would say, ‘It’s huge. Eighty, ninety percent.. . maybe more.’
What changed? They bought the ticket. That’s it. So what made these folks believe their odds increased so dramatically after buying the ticket?
The short answer is, they were emotionally committed to believe they had made the right choice.
In this day and age, commitment isn’t what it used to be. People can “commit” one day but still have three to seven days to change their mind.
Ultimately this means that a deal isn’t a deal until people are happy with using your product. A deal isn’t a deal until they are truly sold on it. That is when you know you have a good deal all around.
The following principles come to bear on the way people make their decisions and whether or not they stay happy with them.
1) Hearing they could have bought it cheaper elsewhere.
2) Learning that there’s a fault or a problem with the product or with what it advises.
3) A family member or friend telling them that this is pure nonsense.
4) Another thing that could happen is, the person themselves begins to doubt that what they did was either a good use of money or a valuable enough service for them to spend it on.
5) A family member, a spouse may try to convince them that they need that money for other things.
This all gives us a very unfair advantage. So with that, I would suggest that you use the utmost integrity and honesty whenever persuading someone to buy your products and services.
About the Author: Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn the business of affluent clients using
. He runs public and private seminars and offers home study courses and coaching programs in
persuasion techniques
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