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Submitted by: Janine Carter
Yorkies are great pets and are very loved by their owners. Thousands of Yorky owners are in clubs promoting their breed for their size and lovable looks. Just like all breeds, they have their special needs and health problems. Hopefully, this article will explain a few common health issues associated with Yorkie Dogs.
Being small can unfortunately cause some problems with Yorkies. They are very fragile little dogs and need to be kept out from under foot of running children and adults need to keep looking down to keep track of where these little guys are. Injury can result from being kicked or stepped on by adults just walking around the house. Also, being so tiny, things affect them more such as toxins like anti-freeze, pesticides, cleaning chemicals, and other household chemicals. They are just like a human baby in that you have to watch them closely to make sure they don’t get in to any of these harmful products.
Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, can happen when Yorkies have too much time in between eating or can also be caused by stress, depression, malnutrition, fatigue, infection, parasites or bacteria. It is important to look for the signs of Hypoglycemia when you are a Yorkie owner. If you see any of the signs of this condition you should take your dog in to the Veterinarian to be treated immediately. Signs are drowsiness, red-eyes and disorientation. Hypoglycemia can cause seizures, comas, brain damage and death in some cases.
Yorkies, like other small breeds, must be careful of Tracheal Collapse which can occur over time with the weakening of the walls of the trachea. This comes from several different things, one of which is pulling your your Yorkies collar to much or a collar that is too tight around their necks. It is best to use a harness with smaller dogs such as the Yorky to proctect their throat area. Tracheal collapse can cause a Yorkie to whelp and cough. If you see these signs, you should take your pet to the veterinarian, as sometimes surgery can repair the trachea.
Sensitive skin is another common issue among Yorkies. Many have allergies and will scratch or bite their skin, which leads to damaging the skin surface. A Veterinarian can give you some kind of lotion for this condition.
Bladder stones are very common among Yorkies. They form in the urinary tract, and could inhibit urination and even cause death. Some signs of bladder stones in Yorkies are blood in their urine, and less frequent urinating. A simple x-ray can determine if there are any stones in your pets bladder.
Yorkies have very sensitive digestive systems which can cause them to have diarrhea and vomiting from diet changes or not eating the right kind of food. All natural foods such as Flint River Ranch products can help tremendously with this problem.
Healthy Yorkies can live up to 15 or 16 years, and that is why it is important to take good care of them. Be sure you’re Yorkie has a proper diet and taken to the Veterinarian regularly. Hope this helps you understand the Yorkie breed just a little better.
About the Author: This article was written by Janine Carter, owner of Posh Pampered Pets,
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